söndag 16 oktober 2016

Retro Racer

Made some changes and the game feels so much better. I really wish to finish this game but the amount of time needed for me to make assets that are OK is mind numbing. I'm not an artist or a designer but a programmer.

Here is the todo:

  • Upgrade car model
  • Add other cars you need to avoid
  • Add wildlife you need to avoid
  • Necessary menu/UI
  • Fix visual artifacts on the trees
  • Fix horizon/end of road

söndag 18 september 2016

Making a game

So recently I started making a small game together with my 4 year old. And when I say with I mean sometimes he watch and get to play the results. The most active he is is when I'm modelling and texturing but as soon as the coding starts his attention drifts. Still fun to sit and create something with him.

When my wife was putting out youngest to bed Christoffer (4yo) wanted to play with his wooden railway. This would make too much noise so I took him with me downstairs. In my head this idea to create a small railway building game popped up. I asked Chris if he wanted to make that next when we are finished with this one... he didn't seem to grasp the concept of an unfinished idea and instead said he wanted to play that. Sigh.